We are a UK based ornamental fish welfare group aiming to raise awareness and promote best practice in aquatics and the fishkeeping hobby.
You might like to have a read about us and why we’re doing what we’re doing, check out some of our articles and guides, and have a read through our care and information section.
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with our latest activities and news from us and other sites and groups.
Raising awareness
- Raising awareness of issues within the fishkeeping hobby
- Educating fishkeepers to provide better care for their fish
- Reduce demand for unsuitable products/species/practices
Providing resources
- Articles
- Photos (the one below has proved popular!)
- Reviews
- Information
- Results
We’re building up the articles in our Beginner’s Guides section. This section provides information aimed at helping newcomers to the hobby avoid some of the common pitfalls. Even if you’re a seasoned keeper why not have a read as well, you never know, you might find something new to you too.
If you’re a beginner don’t be afraid to look around our other articles too; as part of our aim to raise awareness in the hobby it’s important to us that newcomers take some time to think about some of the issues that affect the hobby.
Promoting best practice
- Encourage the industry to self regulate
- Reduce the amount of unsuitable aquatic products for sale
- Reduce the availability of unsuitable species
Sharing information
It’s important to us that we share information from other people and organisations who are also working to raise awareness and promote best practice. Have a browse through our Links we Like page to see what others are up to, and find out more about their work.
The future …
We’ll keep adding to the site and updating our information. If you have anything you’d like to talk to us about please contact us on info@ If we’ve made any errors please point them out and if you have any additional information or more details on anything we’ve covered please let us know.
We’re always on the lookout for aquatic conservation projects to feature so please let us know if you’re involved with something we could help raise awareness of. We’ve started our conservation section with some local projects but any further afield are always welcome.