Everyone likes a freebie! Having recently discovered the Freshwater Fish List by Dr. R van der Laan courtesy of the lovely folk at seriouslyfish.com, we thought a page dedicated to similar useful free resources would be a good way of sharing some great information with fellow fish keepers.
We’ll add to this as we find things but if you know of anything you’d like to share please feel free to let us know at info@injaf.org.
Marine Conservation Society’s Pocket Good Fish Guide: a guide to sustainable seafood. You can also download the mobile app and find out more about what fish are best avoided and which are sustainable by visiting the MCS FishOnline website
The Freshwater Fish List by Dr. R van der Laan: “the eighth edition of Dr. Richard van der Laan’s huge ‘Freshwater Fish list’. This 774 page book contains an alphabetically-arranged checklist to every freshwater fish species in the world, plus an overview of scientific names used in aquarium literature.” The book is open access and can be downloaded from the seriouslyfish website. A big thank you to SF for posting this originally
A Guide to Keeping Killifish by Tyrone Genade: thanks to ‘Lenny Stickleback’ for originally posting about this on fishkeeping.co.uk.
Redfish: A free magazine for freshwater and marine fishkeepers: another find by ‘Lenny Stickleback’.
Fresh-water aquaria: their construction, arrangement, and management by G.C. Bateman (1890): Yes, that’s right, an aquatics book from 1890. An interesting bit of history from the hobby.
Journals and other publications from Southern Livebearers Aquatics Group
Thanks to Practical Fishkeeping’s facebook page for sharing this one, there’s lots of information about livebearers to be had here.
From Sea to Source: a free book to download with more information about fish migration.
Handbook on Best Practices for the Planning, Design and Operation of Wetland Education Centres: a free book for download from “The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.
The Ramsar Convention is the only global environmental treaty that deals with a particular ecosystem. The treaty was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and the Convention’s member countries cover all geographic regions of the planet.”
Tropical Habitat Magazine
Four free magazines to download, the magazine was published bi-monthly from December 2013 to June 2014 but is no longer available in print. A nice find by SImon Morgan from the Practicalfishkeeping forum
Chaos in black and white
Available on reef2rainforest.com this is a free extract from Amazonas magazine all about Hypancistrus zebra, the ever popular ‘zebra plec’.
Various other Amazonas excerpts
Amazonas magazine publishes excerpts from the magazine online every now and then, it’s worth keeping an eye out for new ones, as well as making the most of the current.
UltraMarine Magazine
Free content available if you create an account, accounts are free to create and then you just need to sign in to access the content.
The Youth Guide to Biodiversity
The first edition of the youth guide, this is full of information and will appeal to young and old alike.